Scotland | Summer | 2023
from $2605
Duration: 6 Days
Not afraid of frocking up in a kilt and jumping on the bagpipes? Perhaps you've got some Scottish blood! And lucky you if you do. Home to mystical castles, glorious highlands and enough whisky to booze the Loch Ness Monster, you'll be head over heels with all things Scottish by the time your week of adventure here is up.
Day 1
Start Edinburgh
Royal mile, old Castle, home of the brave, Edinburgh is going to turn it on from start to end. With days of good time ahead, go out in search of haggis, a whisky bar and join the jolly locals before meeting up with the crew tonight, in anticipation of the good times that are yet to come.
Day 2
Today is yours to roam free - but if you want to get the low down on the history of this city why not join our local guide for an optional tour of Edinburgh Castle (which is resting on an extinct volcano!!) to kickstart your love affair with this city. Or maybe you'll do a spot of tartan shopping on Princes Street or indulge in some whisky tasting.
Day 3
Edinburgh to Scottish Highlands
It's time to blaze a trail out of Edinburgh & head for the Scottish Highlands. On the way to the main affair of the day we'll stop by St. Andrews, the birthplace of golf, would you believe? As well as Scotland’s oldest university town. Already blown away by the beauty of the rugged mountain scenery en route, we'll arrive in the Scottish Highlands amped up for mystical tales.
Day 4
Scottish Highlands via Loch Ness and Aviemore
We might be coming down from a high (geographically speaking) this morning, but as we seek out the stunning Loch Ness and Glenfinnan Viaduct, the mood will only be rising. We'll stop to see lovely Loch Ness, the most voluminous lake in the UK - containing more water than all the lakes of England and Wales combined! It's also rumoured to contain something else, something far more legendary which you're sure to have heard of... We'll also check out Aviemore, a picturesque jewel in the Cairngorms' crown - home to lochs, mountains trails and plenty of panoramic views. With breath-taking scenery still in mind, today's sights will leave you more than content with your day's discoveries.
Day 5
West Highlands to Glasgow
After a few days of remote and rugged goodness, a change of pace in Scotland's biggest city is sure to fire things up a notch. We make a stop in Stirling, known for its famous Castle nestled right on a hill, and the town where William Wallace took on the English and yelled "Freeeedom!" Get involved with everything great about Glasgow. Live music on every corner, a gothic cathedral & plenty of quirky characters make this city unique.
Day 6
End Glasgow
Our trip ends this morning after breakfast. Say goodbye to your travel squad, and get started on planning the next big travel adventure.
Start Date: 2023-10-02
End Date: 2023-10-07
Adult Price: $2605
Adult Price: $2605
Adult Price: $3250

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